AE 126
Volume 21, Issue 126, Jul/Aug 2021
Exeter’s Egyptianised Catacombs
Lou Selene-Sayall recounts the extraordinary tale of the building of these Victorian tombs.
The Collapse of the Kingdom of Meroë
In the third of our series of articles focussing on ancient Nubia, Iwona KozieradzkaOgunmakin offers new insights into the reasons for the fall of third Kushite kingdom.
Nefertari Especially Favoured by Ramesses II
Dylan Bickerstaffe asks why Nefertari achieved greater prominence than any of his other wives.
The Last Temples of Ancient Egypt
Simon Bralee chronicles the religious conflict that surrounded their dissolution.
Highlights of Manchester Museum
Campbell Price describes an offering table with a special meaning.
Inside the Step Pyramid of Djoser
Sean McLachlan takes a tour of the recently re-opened interior chambers.
The Chancellor in Ancient Egypt
Wolfram Grajetzki explores the history of the role and the people who held it.
Per Mesut: for Younger Readers
Hilary Wilson tells us about Meretseger, the snake goddess worshipped by the villagers of Deir el-Medina.