AE 129

Volume 22, Issue 129, Jan/Feb 2022
Rome in Egypt Part 2
Andrew Fulton explores Egyptian life during the reigns of Vespasian to Trajan.
2022: A Year to Remember
To celebrate the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, Carl Graves and Fatma Keshk begin a series of articles describing the development of UK Egyptology.
Highlights of Manchester Museum
Campbell Price describes a shabti from ancient Sudan.
Hunting in Ancient Egypt
Joseph L. Thimes describes this elite pastime popular in both life and the afterlife.
A Decade of Loving Kheny
Maria Nilsson and John Ward celebrate ten years of the Gebel el-Silsila Project with a personal account of their discoveries and how their work has changed our perception of this quarry site.
Tombs of the Viziers
Were there recurring patterns in the burials of viziers in New Kingdom Thebes? Katherine Slinger examines the evidence.
Per Mesut: for Younger Readers
Hilary Wilson asks “How long is a piece of string?” in ancient Egypt, looking at the ways meaurements were made.